Sunday, April 24, 2016

Ideal Teaching Situation

Every teacher has an idea of the perfect job. For me, an ideal teaching situation involves an administration that is supportive and involved in the arts. Coming into a new school setting as a first year teacher, knowing that the administration is behind the program is imperative. Having access to a decent budget for supplies will allow me to expose my students to new and exciting materials and lessons. Having access to quality materials allows me to create lessons that are more effective, creative, and interesting that results in students being more engaged and creating higher quality of work.

Support for National Art Honors Society, arts field trips, and visiting artists will help to build the program and expose students to new experiences in the arts. Having a school that is involved will allow me to incorporate the arts program in the community in various ways such as having frequent art shows of student work. These variables are essential in creating a well-rounded arts curriculum, and for me, an ideal teaching situation.

It would also be ideal if the art program was already established with experienced and talented teachers. As a first year teacher, having the support of teachers who are already successful will help me to grow and develop as an arts educator. Professional development is important to me and I will take advantage of every opportunity to develop my skills both as an artist and a teacher. Cultivating good work relationships will encourage fluidity and cohesion in the art program.

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