Monday, April 25, 2016

End of Semester Advice

Image result for visual artsThis semester has been one of reflection. I had never considered myself as a high school art teacher. During this semesters practicum, I have begun to think more seriously about secondary education as an option for me. At first, I was intimidated by the students themselves. The culture they invest in, the clothes that they wear, the music they're listening too--it was all too much for me. I was concerned that high school students wouldn't care about art. That they were slack and uninvolved. This practicum observation has completely changed my perception of today's adolescents. They aren't slackers, they're over achievers. They aren't uninvolved, they are hyper active. The amount of dedication and time some of these students spend in the art room is amazing to me.

Image result for art poster
Now, I realize that this district, school, and classroom is probably one in a million. The students are engaged and involved, the school is supportive, and the district values the arts. This is an ideal teaching situation. One piece of advice I will offer myself is to not think that this is inherent. Not every school is ideal. Not every district cares about the importance of visual arts. Not every student body is going to be invested in the arts. I need to make sure that I am not setting my sights beyond a horizon I cannot reach.

Image result for make artI would also tell myself that the importance of student teacher relationships cannot be overstated. Especially in high school. Students are going through an extraordinary amount of change and stress that manifests in different ways. The art room is a space where students can work out those frustrations only if they feel safe and comfortable with the teacher and the class. In the future, I want to create that kind of safe and comfortable environment with my students where they feel they can express themselves completely. I will caution myself to not become to comfortable with students to where they feel they can take advantage of our relationship. A healthy balance between friendship and mutual respect is imperative in the high school art room.

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